The Wesley Parrott Youth Programs, Inc.
Created and organized in 1988, the Wesley Parrott Youth Programs are designed to stimulate, motivate and influence youth and to orient them towards positives ideas, goals and achievement to be attained within socitey as to improve quailty of life within their respective communities. The program also provides primary and secondary intervention to reduce dropout, improve academic excellence as well as combat anti-social behavior in target youth.
The program provides individual guidance, discussion groups, anger management workshops, homework assistance, recreational activites, inter/intra cultrural relations, conflict resolution, effective communication, positive decision making, leaderhsip and career exploration. In collaboration with the Zeta Zeta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., scholarships are awarded annually to high school graduates and current college students.
Having partnered with other communcity based organizations we have been able to conduct additional activites such as; college prep, SAT tutoring, writing skills workshops and male/female responsibility. We uphold high edcuational standards in a nurturing enivornment and we attempt to provide quality care and service to the youth and families within the program
The Wesley Parrott Youth Programs will be recognized as the premier youth-centered organization in which the pursuit of higher education is the expectation.
For more information on the WPYP visit wesleyparrottyp.org
Alpha Phi Alpha Senior Citizens Center
In 1973 the members of Zeta Zeta Lambda Chapter , Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. realized the need for a recreational, educational and cultural program for the growing senior population in the Cambria Heights community. The Alphas conceived the idea of sponsoring a senior citizens center.
On March 17, 1975 the Alpha Phi Alpha Senior Citizens Center officially opened its doors in rented space in the basement of the Cambria Heights Community Church and began functioning under contract with the New York City Human Resource Administration.
The Center had for its main objective the enabling of its members to maintain their independence in the community by providing a family type setting in which a wide range of services could be made available. The program revolves around a nutritionally balanced meal served five days a week at lunchtime. Representatives from various City, State, and private agencies are brought in to share vital information with the members that impact on their daily living. Agencies such as Fire, Police, Health, and Social Security head a long list of regular visitors to the Center.
In December of 1996 a new building was purchased on the corner of Linden Boulevard and 220th Street. Construction began utilizing a mix of funds from the State and City of New York. Finally in November of 2006, the Center officially began operations at the new site.
The mission of the Alpha Phi Alpha Senior Citizens Center is to
provide a multi-purpose facility and services for seniors that will enhance their quality of life. We promote physical well-being of
seniors in our community through nutrition, education
and health with our programs.
For more information CLICK HERE
Zeta Zeta Lambda Company, Incorporated
Zeta Zeta Lambda Company, Inc. was founded as a supporting entity to provide resources to the Chapter’s affiliates. The Chapter believes that it is efficient to have one affiliate through which management and financial resources can be harnessed and distributed to or shared with the other Chapter affiliates.