Zeta Zeta Lambda Chapter Scholarships
Scholarship Descriptions

The Brother Amos M. Gailliard
This scholarship is named in honor of Brother Amos Gailliard* who was a Brigadier General in the United States Army and dedicated member and Past President of the Zeta Zeta Lambda Chapter. Applicant should possess strong leadership qualities and shoe an interest in mentoring. The Amos Gailliard Scholarship is funded by the gracious financial contributions of Brothers Darren Morton and Gordon Miller.
The Brother Richard Gibbs
Community Service
This scholarship is awarded to a young man who meets the academic requirements for admission into an accredited college/university and has demonstrated a passion and commitment the his community through volunteerism and a desire to work in Public Policy. Active community involvement is a plus. This scholarship is funded by the gracious donations of Brother Richard Gibbs & Soror Brenda Gibbs.
The Christine Fortune
This scholarship is named in honor of the mother of Brother Darren M. Morton. Brother Morton is a virtual giant in Alpha Phi Alpha and a faithful member of the Zeta Zeta Lambda Chapter. His impact has been felt on the local, regional, and national levels of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He has been a member of Alpha Phi Alpha for 30+ years, serves as the Senior Pastor of Macedonia Baptist Church, and Chairman of the Wesley Parrott Youth Programs, Inc. Brother Morton was raised solely by his mother and credits her love and support as on of the biggest catalyst of his success. This scholarship is awarded to a deserving young man who is the product of a single parent home. Brother Darren Morton designated and graciously provided the finding for this scholarship.
The Brendan Gibbs Health and Wellness Scholarship
The scholarship is to be awarded to college bound youth. Recipients are those who are entering the field of mental health and display a high degree of empathy and compassion for others. This scholarship is funded by Brother Brendan Gibbs.
The Shannon & Malik Goodson Scholarship
Shannon and Malik Goodson are no strangers to supporting the efforts of Zeta Zeta Lambda. As members of Black Greek-lettered organizations, they understand the importance of service to others. This year they would like to extend their support beyond participation in programs and service events and provide a scholarship to a deserving young man headed to college. Having each received scholarship to assist them in the college years, they want to ensure that they provide the same assistance to youth as they pursue higher education.
The Eric Hazel Memorial Scholarship
"The Eric Hazel memorial scholarship is dedicated in honor of Brother Eric Hazel who passed away and transitioned into Omega Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated on August 10, 2021. Brother Hazel was widely known throughout Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated as a Brother’s Brother for his inspiring words and actions, giving heart, and perseverance throughout the most challenging of times. This scholarship is provided to a deserving student in honor of the legacy he left for the Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated." This scholarship is funded by Brother Gordon Miller.
The Brother Charles S. Lucas
This scholarship is named in honor of Brother Charles Lucas. Brother Lucas has been a member of Alpha Phi Alpha since the Spring of 1943. He has diligently served the fraternity as a staunch member of the Zeta Zeta Lambda Chapter. He has also tirelessly served the Queens community for many years and continues to do so as the Chairman Emeritus of the Board of Directors of the Alpha Phi Alpha Senior Citizens Center. This scholarship is named on his behalf because he is a firm believer of the importance of higher education and his continued efforts of educating and supporting our youth. Showing an interest in teaching is a plus. This scholarship is graciously funded by Brother Charles Lucas.
The Gibbs Family Scholarship
This scholarship is named after the Gibbs Family. Applicants should demonstrate both academic achievement and community involvement. Applicant should also possess leadership skills and have a strong desire to strengthen family relationships. This scholarship is funded by Brother Brendan Gibbs.
The Charles Lucas Scholarship of Defiance
This scholarship is named in honor of Brother Charles Lucas. Brother Lucas a native of Raileigh, North Carolina graduated Shaw University in 1943 as a history degree and a minor in sociology. He often recalls the story of attending college with little to no money in his pocket and taking every opportunity to work through college to fund his education. He advocated for himself by speaking to the bursars and registrar’s office and any place on campus that would offer him work. There was a canteen opened on campus and Brother Lucas was there and ended up managing the establishment. He sacrificed, persisted and insisted through every obstacle in college. This scholarship is being given to a New York City high school student who has shown defiance in and throughout their life and shows the wherewithal to continue showing defiance throughout their college careers. This scholarship is graciously funded by Brother Charles Lucas.
The Louise Ruth Ray Scholarship
A lifelong teacher, Ruth Louise Ray began teaching at the age of 20 in the Duval County School District in 1933. She spent over 50 years teaching and retired in 1983. Ms. Ray career of providing educational excellence also found her serving as a guidance counselor for the local school district and serving as an Assistant Professor to students in Jacksonville, Florida. Having received degrees from four institutions and spending time studying at four others, Ms. Ray was no stranger to the importance of being well educated and sharing what she learned with others. She was an accomplished author and poet throughout her life and loved sharing her knowledge and life experiences with youth. Having passed away this past fall at the age of 112, her grandnephew, Brother Malik Goodson would like to award this scholarship in her honor to assist a young bright student achieve their highest potential.
The Dr. Martia G. Goodson Scholarship
The Dr. Martia G. Goodson was a lifelong historian and educator. She was an extreme advocate of higher learning and knowledge of our culture. As a professor a English and Black Studies at Baruch College, Dr. Goodson helped transform the lives of hundred of students in her classes over her 30+ year career. As a single parent, Dr. Goodson invested heavily in her children’s education and placed high expectations on academic success. The Dr. Martia G. Goodson Scholarship is awarded to a student from a single-parent home rising to study at an HBCU or majoring in African American Studies. This scholarship is graciously funded by Brother Malik Goodson.
The P.S.U. Scholarship Efforts to Promising Young People
People Standing United (P.S.U.) is a community service-based social organization comprised of a group of mature, unified, positive, trend-setting and multi-talented men who are joined together for a common cause. That cause is to empower ourselves as well as others. Our means of doing this is by forming an alliance for the future that utilizes our own inner resources and talents. The outcome for this alliance for the future is a large family network in which we employ and support the whole (P.S.U.) family (membership). A major pillar of P.S.U.’s community work is offering scholarships to promising young people who are advancing toward post-secondary education at an HBCU. P.S.U. will be awarding a young man from your organization an $1000 non-renewable scholarship.
The 13 Pharaohs of Kemet Leadership Scholarship
The 13 Pharoahs of Kemet Leadership Scholarship will be awarded to a young man from New York City who has demonstrated an immense amount of academic perseverance through a productive struggle. Applicants should possess a strong academic resume supported by extracurricular activities. This scholarship came about as part of a challenge to the brothers of Fall 2021 while they were interests. This scholarship is graciously funded by the 13 Pharoahs of Kemet: Brothers Fabrice K Michel, Gerard C Haskins, William Francisque, Daryon E Ray, Kyle J Forbes, Norris G. Johns Jr., Charles A Robinson, Ruel L. A. Huffstead, Jr., Kenyatta T Rouse, Richard D Peters, Terrence J Banks, Samuel C Nweke Jr. and Joseph T Wilson II.
Past Scholarships
The Academic Excellence
This scholarship is awarded to a young man who have demonstrated a high degree of scholastic aptitude and performance. Should possess a strong extracurricular resume. Recognized by honor societies is a plus. Additional factors considered are extracurricular activities and strong leadership qualities.
Student should possess a 3.0 – 3.5 GPA
The Wesley E. Parrott Leadership Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a young man (graduating senior) who meets the academic requirements for admission into an accredited college/university and has displayed a passion for leadership through his club and/or organization involvement.